The Pieces
by Emma Schillage Directed by Emma Richmond
Cockroaches is a Southern Gothic dark comedy inspired by Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis. It tells the story of three sisters as they deal with the fallout of their mother’s most recent suicide attempt. Momma has been acting strange since returning home from the hospital, causing eldest daughter, Jenny, to come home from college, middle child Charlie, to act out, and youngest child, Sissy, to follow in her mother’s footsteps. As Momma becomes less and less human, the sisters must learn how to care for themselves and each other before it is too late. Cockroaches explores how we create monsters, deal with them, punish them, and learn from them in the wake of disaster.
Written and Directed by Declan Zhang
Mickey is coming and it is his birthday and we will sing over his birthday cake and have a birthday party. Wait, that was yesterday. No, he never came, so now it’s tomorrow. I’m bringing this guy I met the other day— no, it was today, it was this morning. I think he might be the one. What was his name? Sorry, we have to go inside and sing! IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU!